'Students have different levels of motivation, different attitudes about teaching and learning, and different responses to specific classroom environments and instructional practices. The more thoroughly instructors understand the differences, the better chance they have of meeting the diverse learning needs of all of their students' - RICHARD M. FELDER
What to say about Week 9? No words to say. I would like to thank to our dear core instructor Janine Sepulveda and to all my classmates for their full cooperation. Learning styles were the topic for this week. I read the available material from our course site. The first site I chose is Tech tools that support multiple intelligences. It is available at http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic68.htm . In this site, I discovered many constructive tips for understanding different learning styles is an important part of effective teaching, with and without technology.
In his 1983 book called Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner of Harvard University identified seven intelligences we all possess. Because our understanding of the brain and human behavior is constantly changing, the number of intelligences is expanding. Two to three new intelligences had been added recently. Gardner claims that we all have all the intelligences, but that no two people are exactly alike.
I completely agree with Gardner that we all have the intelligences. It means that every student has the intelligence but it is our responsibility to discover it in every child. We will discover the intelligence in some students easily, but in some students too slowly. But we should be patient enough and encourage these students to do their best in order to show all their abilities.
Currently, Howard Gardner has identified nine intelligences. The intelligences are the following:
- Verbal-Linguistic
- Logical/Mathematical
- Visual/Spatial
- Bodily/Kinesthetic
- Musical/Rhythmic
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
- Naturalist
- Existentialist

The other Multiple Intelligences are Interpersonal. Students learn best through interaction with other people through discussions, cooperative work, or social activities. They are able to create synergy in a room by being aware of the feelings and motives of others. They are good at teaching other members of the group and coordinating activities. In a group project, they are good at peer editing.
Here are the technology tools:
- Blogs
- Email projects
- Chat
- Word processing - chain writing, group editing, peer writing, brainstorming
- Listservs
- Forums and discussions
- Video and teleconferencing
- Group decisions software - Tom Snyder's decision
- Social networks
- Webquests with collaborative elements
- Video recording - sharing with others through skits, debates, role plays
- Collaborative computer software or games
- Group presentations (PowerPoint)
- Telecommunications projects - Flat Stanley
- Peer tutoring
- Virtual world
I like Interpersonal Intelligences so much. Why? I have already used them in some classes like a blog and discussions on a Nicenet classroom. Students are very willing to collaborate and they like this way of upgrading their knowledge. They also like to use technology for learning and they think it is never dull for them. They like technology more than course books. Students also like to discuss about a certain topic especially when they are making a project and in this way they also develop many skills, e.g. team skills. I look forward to use more the Interpersonal intelligences in order to find out all my students’ potentials.
As the extension of finding more about ‘Learning styles’, I read other interesting material from the course site. The first site I read was *Learning styles online quiz - learn about your own learning style*. It is available at http://www.open2.net/survey/learningstyles/. The site is very interesting because everyone can do a test in order to see his/her learning style. The site mentions five different learning styles:
1) listening/reading (auditory learners)
2) seeing/visualizing (visual learners)
3) experiencing/ hand-on learning (kinaesthetic)
4) feeling/belonging (social/emotional learners)
5) reflecting/evaluating (meta-cognitive learners)
The second site I visited was - More on learning styles from Richard Felder
http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning_Styles.html . There are many rewarding pieces of information. I completely agree with a statement that when mismatches exist between learning styles of most students in a class and the teaching style of the professor, the students may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum, and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school. Professors, confronted by low test grades, unresponsive or hostile classes, poor attendance and dropouts, know something is not working. I think that we should make the balance and then all goals will be achieved and students will be willing to collaborate and they will try to solve the problems.
http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning_Styles.html . There are many rewarding pieces of information. I completely agree with a statement that when mismatches exist between learning styles of most students in a class and the teaching style of the professor, the students may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum, and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school. Professors, confronted by low test grades, unresponsive or hostile classes, poor attendance and dropouts, know something is not working. I think that we should make the balance and then all goals will be achieved and students will be willing to collaborate and they will try to solve the problems.
This site contains resources for a model of learning styles generally referred to as the Felder-Silverman model. The model was originally formulated by Dr. Felder in collaboration with Dr. Linda K. Silverman, an educational psychologist, for use by college instructors and students in engineering and the sciences, although it has subsequently been applied in a broad range of disciplines.
The second thing was to complete our project reports and to add them to the Wiki page. It was really exciting to read from my peers' feedback about my project draft. I own big gratitude to my friends Fernando and Davor. I found a lot about the projects of my dear friends and I am really proud of having them as my friends.
At the end, I am really glad that I am a part of this wonderful course and I am glad that I will be able to share this experience with my colleagues and with my students.
Hi Rade
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you that sometimes mismatches exist between the students' learning styles and the teacher's teaching styles. in that case, I guess a good solution is for us, teachers, know about our learning style and try to find ways, if not change, to adapt and include other styles so that students do not become demotivated in our classes.
Dear Katya,
DeleteThanks a lot for your comment. Yes, I also think that we have to know about the learning styles in our class and in that way we can find be able to plan well and to apply different learning styles in the class.
Best regards
Hello Rade,
ReplyDeleteThank you too, your feedback helped me a lot. It's been my pleasure reading your draft, and giving you my feedback. I hope this friendship does not end after the course finishes. Find me on Facebook as "Nando Beconi Delfino" and request friendship, I can't find you somehow. Everyone else is also welcome to request friendship. I was thinking of having a private group called UO Webskills Winter 2012, but first we have to be friends on FB.
Have a great weekend, and I can't wait to start WEEK 10!!!.
Hello Fernando,
DeleteThank you so much for your comment. No, this friendship will never stop and you and other classmates will be always welcome in my country and my dear guests. I have already sent you a request. It is great to have that group where we can continue our improving and sharing new things that we are going to learn.
Everything the best.
Hi Rade,
ReplyDeleteThis week once more I found your posts informative both the posts at the nicenet and the blog.I am going to miss you people you always made my evening educative but am hoping that we will continue to keep in touch through the blogs!
Hello Wesonga,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment. It's very encouraging. I will also miss all of you, but we can keep in touch over the blogs or our e-mails.
Everything the best.
dich vu giai the doanh nghiep
ReplyDeletedich vu giai the doanh nghiep tai quan thanh xuan
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