Dear visitors of this page,
I am here again. So if you want to learn English and improve your skills, I can help you in the best possible way. If you are interested in it, feel free to contact me via my e-mail or my Skype account rade.petricevic. I offer cheap lessons using the best and funniest ways of learning English.
I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best!
Teaching English Through the Interactive Web
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Motivated students
Dear followers and colleagues from all over the world,
I wish you all the best in 2015. year. A lot of health, success, love and happiness. Let's pursue your dreams and careers. In this post, I am going to say a few words about it how to motivate our students. We all know that we have to motivate both good and those who are less good in learning language, i.e. we have to find appropriate ways how to make them so interested in the process of learning the language. At the very beginning, it is very difficult, but it is worth trying.
Here are some pieces of advice:
I wish you all the best in 2015. year. A lot of health, success, love and happiness. Let's pursue your dreams and careers. In this post, I am going to say a few words about it how to motivate our students. We all know that we have to motivate both good and those who are less good in learning language, i.e. we have to find appropriate ways how to make them so interested in the process of learning the language. At the very beginning, it is very difficult, but it is worth trying.
Here are some pieces of advice:
Students arrive in our classrooms
with the full-range of motivations – and sometimes with what we see as a
remarkable lack of motivation. Motivating students is one of the most
challenging things we do as educators, and some of us want to throw up our hands
in frustration or proclaim that there is little we can do to motivate students
to learn. It is true that students carry
with them many past experiences that contribute to their motivation in our
classrooms. However, teachers can make a difference, for better or for worse,
in motivating students to learn. This module is written to give you a basic
understanding of what motivates students and to provide some sense of how you
can create this motivation. As you read, you will note that many of the ideas
we have covered elsewhere are identified here as important to motivation. Keep
the following points in mind:
Our ideal goal as teachers is to
help students develop the intrinsic motivation that will allow them to become
life-long learners.While this module provides many
tips you can use to motivate students, many of the ideas outlined here come
under a simple rule: respect your students as learners.
Teaching Assistants, because of
their closeness to undergraduates, are often in an excellent position to show the
respect, caring and concern as teachers that motivate students.
Active learning – engaging
students in the class and working with their peers- is an important contributor
to student learning.
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation is what we
are most familiar with in education; it is motivation to act that comes from
the external environment, outside of the person. When we are motivated
extrinsically, we act with the anticipation of rewards – grades, praise, money,
time off from work, or some other incentive. For instance, teachers motivate
students to come to class regularly and join in discussions through the use of
participation grades.
When used wisely and
thoughtfully, extrinsic motivation can be quite helpful in furthering student
learning. We can use extrinsic motivation to our advantage as educators if we
know what motivates students, but we need to do so carefully. For example, many
students are concerned about their grades, either because of a desire to continue
on in school or due to pressure from their parents, and they will do what it
takes to earn good grades. So, if we know that grades are
important, we can use tests and papers to motivate students to build the skills
and knowledge we expect them to have. For instance, if students can succeed
simply by memorizing, then they will memorize. However, if tests and papers
require analysis and integration of ideas, then students will learn these
higher-order skills.
Motivating Your Students
Intrinsic Motivation
If extrinsic motivation comes
from without, then intrinsic motivation comes from within.Intrinsically motivated learners
want to learn because they are curious, they want to improve, they seek
knowledge, and learning gives them satisfaction. McKeachie notes that this form of
motivation nurtures and encourages the habit of life-long learning. As students
leave school, external motivators for learning, such as grades and praise, are
replaced by long-term goals and less immediate rewards. Intrinsic motivation
encourages us to continue learning regardless of what rewards come our way.
How Do We Motivate Students?
Some students worry about grades;
others need to satisfy a course prerequisite. Still others want to learn and
explore ideas. In fact, many students are probably motivated to learn and to
succeed by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The key for us as
teachers is to understand what we can do to build students’ motivation to learn
in our classroom, and to nurture the intrinsic motivation that will guide
future learning.
We know that students respond
positively to three elements in most classes (Davis, 1993):
A well-organized course;
A teacher who is enthusiastic
about the material and about teaching;
A teacher who shows he or she
cares about the students and their learning.
The first point is very important
to motivation and is covered in other modules. The remainder of this module,
then, will address the questions of enthusiasm (also discussed to some degree
in the module on communication) and demonstrating care for students and student
Below are some basic actions you
can take to motivate students in your classroom. You will note, as you read,
that these ideas are interconnected; they are part of a complete effort to
build relationships with and motivate students. Communicate high but attainable
expectations and goals. Most students want to be challenged and feel that they
are directing their energies toward a worthwhile experience.
This means that they will work to
achieve challenging goals if they view the goals as within their reach. True,
some students are motivated by the fear of the daunting “killer test,” but you
will lose more students than you gain, and those you gain will not retain their
motivation outside of the classroom.
Give students the chance to
succeed. High standards for student work are fine, but it is important to make
those standards clear and give students a chance to discover and meet them.
You may want to consider the
following suggestions to help students succeed:
Give a test, quiz or paper early
in the semester, return it to students, and give them a chance to retake or
rewrite it. This lets them learn the standards and have a chance to improve.
Rather than giving a few large
tests and assignments, give smaller more frequent ones.
This makes the material students
must learn more manageable and gives them more chances to succeed.
Motivating Your Students
Increase the difficulty of tests
and assignments over time. Tell students you are doing this to help them learn
your expectations and develop knowledge and skills to draw upon.
Give early, immediate and
comprehensive feedback. The idea of giving feedback is closely related to
giving students a chance to succeed. In order to learn, students need and want to
know the standards and expectations you have for their performance. Thorough comments
from you on tests and assignments show students what is needed to succeed.
But your comments do more than
just this: they also show the students that you respect them and are committed
to their learning. Students notice when a teacher does (or does not) put forth
effort in making comments on student work, and they respond accordingly.
Create a learning community in
your classroom. McKeachie notes that interaction, particularly with peers, is an
important motivator for many students. There are several easy steps you can
take to create an environment where students see themselves as part of a
community of learners rather than as isolated individuals. Reward success
publicly. This does not need to be an elaborate effort. Thank students for
their comments, compliment good points by saying “good point,” and refer back
to individual students for their contributions when you can. Share exemplary work with
students. Copy, distribute (without names and with permission) and discuss
outstanding papers or assignments. This helps students see your standards and
it recognizes students who do outstanding work.
1) Use collaborative/cooperative learning
2) Students respond to interaction with their peers.
3) Putting students in
groups can therefore promote their learning.
4) Know your students and their
5) If you know who your students are and what they are involved in, you
can adjust your class to connect with their interests. This can help them see
the relevance of the material and motivate them to engage in class.
For instance, one professor
teaches a course on French culture in which most of the students are Business
or International Relations majors. Upon learning this information, the
professor created a project where students worked in groups of three to
determine the feasibility of locating a major shopping store in various
locations in France. Use a variety of teaching methods.
No matter how gifted you are as a teacher, using the same method to teach each
class can become monotonous – for you and for the students – causing the
students to lose interest and motivation. When possible, vary your methods within
and between classes. Break students into groups, give mini-lectures, have class
discussions, use case studies, stage a debate, etc. This variety engages and
motivates students.
Avoid individual competition.
Competition in and of itself is not necessarily a negative. Pitting groups
against one another in games that help them learn the material can be a useful
motivator. However, you should avoid creating a situation where students see themselves
in direct competition with one another for grades.
Try to prevent too much anxiety
from developing among students. Most of us tend to work a little harder or a
little longer when we are worried about an important test or a big event and
want to make sure we succeed. However, too much anxiety can make us want to
give up and not even try. This is why it is important to have reasonable goals and
expectations and give students a chance to succeed.
If you have some examples of how to motivate your students, please add here or write to my e-mail:
Best regards...
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Rewarding pieces of information
Dear colleagues from all over the world,
I hope you are all well. The school has just started and I am very busy doing all necessary things concerning the documentation that has to be written. But I am almost to finish it, and I'm so happy one. I am not going to give you something new I have just learned, but I am going to give some rewarding pieces of information that are useful for your further professional development:
1. Visit the site of Cambridge Teaching English. You will find a lot of very, very rewarding things which can help both you and your students in the process of teaching and learning. You can also find lesson plans that are very important for teachers (but if I dare to say that they are difficult and time consuming for all of us); there are also 'GREAT' webinars which are also helpful and useful for our professional development. At the end of the webinar, you get the Certificate of attendance which recognized by the Ministry of education.
2. The second thing that is so 'GREAT' for our PD is the scholarship of the USA Embassy. I was lucky one. I got it a few years ago and I completed the course at the University of Oregon. I gained a lot of knowledge which I use in my everyday teaching process. My students also use some things which are suitable for them. Just visit the site of the USA Embassy in your country and you'll get all necessary information about the 'WONDERFUL' scholarship. Just try it, never give up and never lose your hope. For my country the address is:
I wish you all the best. If you have something that is 'GREAT' send it to me at
All the best,
Monday, 7 April 2014
Teaching English to children with special educational needs
Hi all,
Dear colleagues from all around the world,
English as a foreign language for children with additional educational needs It is often thought that foreign language learning for a child with additional educational needs can waste valuable time that could be spent more profitably on teaching 'more relevant' skills and that it may confuse
Organising classes
From a Vygotskian viewpoint, a child with special needs who is integrated into a regular class would be able, through co-operation and interaction with classmates, to develop their knowledge, language and thinking. In a primary EFL context classes tend to emphasise oral communication, especially in the initial stages. Thus, one of the main weaknesses of the child with additional needs, that is, writing, is avoided. This can be
Best regards
Dear colleagues from all around the world,
I am very sorry of not posting anything new for a while because I was so busy. I had to prepare my students for different levels of competitions. I also had to prepare students to take their exams in English and so on. To tell the truth, all my dear students passed their exams. On the other side, my school children won the first places during the competitions. I am so happy as well as they are.
In this post, I am going to say a few words about teaching English to kids who have special needs. I am so interested in this subject matter, because in my country every teacher has got a lot of problems about teaching these kids. I say this because teachers, in my country, neither have any seminars or any professional development or any lectures about this kind of teaching nor they have an assistant who will help them in the process of teaching kids with the special needs. It is a big problem which my colleagues meet from day to day. Searching through the Internet, I found some rewarding tips that can be useful for many teachers who also have the same problem.
English as a foreign language for children with additional educational needs It is often thought that foreign language learning for a child with additional educational needs can waste valuable time that could be spent more profitably on teaching 'more relevant' skills and that it may confuse
children who already have problems mastering their mother
tongue. However, it is important to provide every opportunity to expand
and enhance the range of learning experiences available for these
children by including them in a wide range of activities throughout
life. One of these activities is foreign language learning. This article
builds on the principles of inclusion and is written in the ethos that
children with additional educational needs should have the same right as
other children to experience and enjoy foreign language learning, and
in the belief that they have the potential to benefit and to progress
linguistically, psychologically, cognitively, socially and culturally.
Diverse needs
Children with additional educational needs may have physical and conceptual difficulties, mild and moderate learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and emotional and behavioural difficulties, and will usually require some sort of extra support. This article will address the needs of children with mild and moderate learning difficulties, which can include short attention spans and a lack of concentration, memory problems -
A school policy
In order to cater as effectively as possible for the diverse learning needs of such pupils, a school should agree its policy and implement it as a team. This will include decision-making concerning methodological approaches, assessment procedures, ways of supporting the learner, and how best to organise classes depending on the context in which you work.
Children with additional educational needs may have physical and conceptual difficulties, mild and moderate learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and emotional and behavioural difficulties, and will usually require some sort of extra support. This article will address the needs of children with mild and moderate learning difficulties, which can include short attention spans and a lack of concentration, memory problems -
A school policy
In order to cater as effectively as possible for the diverse learning needs of such pupils, a school should agree its policy and implement it as a team. This will include decision-making concerning methodological approaches, assessment procedures, ways of supporting the learner, and how best to organise classes depending on the context in which you work.
both short and long term, poor generalisation skills,
auditory discrimination problems, visual discrimination problems, a lack
of imaginative thinking and poor eye-hand co-ordination. Their needs
are diverse and, when deciding what to teach and how to teach, foreign
language programmes should aim to start with the needs of each
individual child in order to build on their strengths.
Methodological approaches
As we can see above, some of the special needs described are not so very different from those of our 'regular' pupils, and many of the familiar principles which underlie good educational practice, as used by foreign language teachers of young learners, are appropriate. These include effective teaching strategies and techniques, selection of materials, task design, including differentisation, and clasroom management skills.
As we can see above, some of the special needs described are not so very different from those of our 'regular' pupils, and many of the familiar principles which underlie good educational practice, as used by foreign language teachers of young learners, are appropriate. These include effective teaching strategies and techniques, selection of materials, task design, including differentisation, and clasroom management skills.
- Teaching strategies and techniquesuse of action rhymes and songs, stories, colouring, making things, dancing, drawing, total physical response activities and games; stimulating childrens' senses as much as possible through multi-sensory aids.
Good teaching strategies and techniques include the planning and stating of carefully balanced, varied learning sequences with clear achievable objectives, so children know what is expected from them. They will also include using the mother tongue, as appropriate, to contextualise and support learning, so children can relate something new to something familiar and thereby develop a sense of security; providing clear, meaningful, concrete contexts in which to present language; providing plenty of repetition, recycling and reviewing; using plenty of mime, signs, gestures, expressions to convey and support meaning; involving children actively in the learning process as much as possible through the
- Assessment procedures
Children need to be clear about the learning objectives, which could accommodate the graded objective principles and the Council of Europe statements: for example, I can understand and use familiar everyday expressions. Once these are established, and with systematic post-activity reviewing, children will be able to perceive their progress. In many cases, this will be small-step progression, and needs to be established by the school and team of teachers as part of their overall policy.
- Materials selection
Materials need to be varied, accessible and clear and provide plenty of visual stimulus and support in the form of pictures, objects, puppets, realia, storybooks, videos, ICT, etc.
- Task designTasks should provide a reasonable degree of effort or challenge within the linguistic and cognitive abilities of each child, and have short-term goals and clearly identified steps leading to successful completion, as well as purposeful outcomes allowing immediate feedback and positive reinforcement. In order to design tasks, teachers need to be able to judge whether the level of demands made on each child is appropriate and also to identify the types of demand made. These relate to concepts and notions of language, such as shape, size, colour, location, cause and effect, and language functions, such as describing, classifying, sequencing, predicting etc. Teachers also need to be aware of the kinds of concepts which their pupils can cope with at specific stages of their development. Furthermore, each learner possesses their own learning styles and intelligences and some tasks may only be suitable for specific learning styles or intelligences, making them difficult for learners who do not possess these or have low levels of specific types of intelligence. Differentiation of tasks is also central to successful methodology and needs to be done in a way that the areas of experience, for example, a topic ortheme, will be the same for each child but the depth in which it will be covered will be different.
- Classroom management skillsA well-managed classroom will be one where routines are established, the teacher is firm but fair and establishes a secure, non-threatening learning environment. He or she will explain methodological approaches to avoid a mis-match of expectations and to establish clear ways of working, and will praise all effort, however small. Classroom dynamics will be analysed and seating arrangements planned accordingly. Teacher talk will be analysed in order to keep this clear and simple for instructions and demonstrations, to be sensitive to the level of challenge different questions imply and to pitch them appropriately for individual children, and to avoid excessive teacher talk, which can be confusing. Pupils' attention will be focussed so they keep on task and teachers will be aware of the behavioural effect of activities which settle or stir, occupy or involve, and sequence these appropriately.
Supporting the learners
In addition to the methodological approaches described above which support the learner, the school may decide that the help of a support teacher or teaching assistant is required. Their help may be requested on a full-time, part-time or sessional basis and they may work with individual pupils, several pupils or a whole
class or department. In whatever setting a support teacher may work, he or she can help the pupil's learning by having a clearly defined role in the classes, time to share the planning and evaluation of lessons, adequate resources. In addition, the importance of their role in the staff team must be recognized.
In addition to the methodological approaches described above which support the learner, the school may decide that the help of a support teacher or teaching assistant is required. Their help may be requested on a full-time, part-time or sessional basis and they may work with individual pupils, several pupils or a whole
class or department. In whatever setting a support teacher may work, he or she can help the pupil's learning by having a clearly defined role in the classes, time to share the planning and evaluation of lessons, adequate resources. In addition, the importance of their role in the staff team must be recognized.
Organising classes
From a Vygotskian viewpoint, a child with special needs who is integrated into a regular class would be able, through co-operation and interaction with classmates, to develop their knowledge, language and thinking. In a primary EFL context classes tend to emphasise oral communication, especially in the initial stages. Thus, one of the main weaknesses of the child with additional needs, that is, writing, is avoided. This can be
beneficial in that he or she starts out on an even
footing with his academically more able counterparts.
Many of the
responses required are whole-class ones so a child is rarely singled
out and can learn to communicate in a foreign language without fear of
failure. Integration may require the presence of a support teacher to
deal with possible unpredictable behaviour which may disrupt classmates
and incite general bad behaviour; to explain to classmates a child's
particular needs so they can understand and respect these differences
and respect the additional effort such a child may have to make in the
learning process, to diffuse any potential peer ridicule through such
explanation as above, to help with activities that may require cutting,
pasting, writing, to help explain the teacher's methodology and to
reinforce the classroom code of conduct and to liaise with parents as
required. Once basic oral/aural skills have been acquired and other
pupils progress perhaps at a faster rate, a school may feel that
separate specialised classes may be more appropriate to meet the
children's needs, although these classes would be integrated within the
framework of the regular school.
The teaching of foreign
languages to children with additional educational needs is complex and
each school needs to decide on a policy that is best for their context. A
great deal of support can be found through CILT who
publish an annual Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin and
have a discussion forum to generate ideas and mutual support for all
those who are involved in teaching modern foreign languages to pupils
with special educational needs in both special schools and mainstream
Here is also an address of the web site where you can find different activities and addresses which people from all around the world use in the process of teaching English to kids with special needs ( I also want to hear from you and all your advices and suggestions are welcome. Feel free to write to me. I want to gain new knowledge about this.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Why is writing an essay so frustrating?
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.
Henry David Thoreau
Dear followers,
I hope you are all well. I am so
fine, better than ever. I am sorry of not adding anything new to my blog
because I was so busy at the beginning of the second term in my school. In this
post, I am going to share rewarding tips for writing a good essay. As we all know
that it is a little bit difficult for students, who learn English as the second
language, to write a good essay. I have been teaching English for almost seven
years. I met many students who have different abilities. There were those who are
good in English, but at first they could not understand how to write an
excellent essay following the logical order. On the other hand, there were
those who tried there best and they were every successful in writing so great
essay that won many prizes. No matter how they do it, I am always proud of
them. Here are very constructive tips which will help your students to write a
good essay:
- Research: Begin the essay writing process by researching your topic, making yourself an expert. Utilize the internet, the academic databases, and the library. Take notes and immerse yourself in the words of great thinkers.
- Analysis: Now that you have a good knowledge base, start analyzing the arguments of the essays you're reading. Clearly define the claims, write out the reasons, the evidence. Look for weaknesses of logic, and also strengths. Learning how to write an essay begins by learning how to analyze essays written by others.
- Brainstorming: Your essay will require insight of your own, genuine essay-writing brilliance. Ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them. Meditate with a pen in your hand. Take walks and think and think until you come up with original insights to write about.
- Thesis: Pick your best idea and pin it down in a clear assertion that you can write your entire essay around. Your thesis is your main point, summed up in a concise sentence that lets the reader know where you're going, and why. It's practically impossible to write a good essay without a clear thesis.
- Outline: Sketch out your essay before straightway writing it out. Use one-line sentences to describe paragraphs, and bullet points to describe what each paragraph will contain. Play with the essay's order. Map out the structure of your argument, and make sure each paragraph is unified.
- Introduction: Now sit down and write the essay. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, set up the issue, and lead in to your thesis. Your intro is merely a buildup of the issue, a stage of bringing your reader into the essay's argument.
- Paragraphs: Each individual paragraph should be focused on a single idea that supports your thesis. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences, support assertions with evidence, and expound your ideas in the clearest, most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were sitting in front of you. In other words, instead of writing the essay, try talking the essay.
- Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action. Is there something you want the reader to walk away and do? Let him or her know exactly what.
- MLA Style: Format your essay according to the correct guidelines for citation. All borrowed ideas and quotations should be correctly cited in the body of your text, followed up with a Works Cited (references) page listing the details of your sources.
- Language: You're not done writing your essay until you've polished your language by correcting the grammar, making sentences flow, incorporating rhythm, emphasis, adjusting the formality, giving it a level-headed tone, and making other intuitive edits. Proofread until it reads just how you want it to sound. Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't want to bungle the hours of conceptual work you've put into writing your essay by leaving a few sloppy misspellings and poorly worded phrases. Dear colleagues, I hope you'll find these tips very rewarding and that you'll share them with your students. Taken from: http://www1/
Saturday, 21 December 2013
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
In this post, I am going to say a few words about the games and how important they are to motivate your students and to make the learning atmosphere looks better. I like to use the games as warm-up activities, because I can see a lot of positive results. Games help teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written. Many games cause as much density of practice as more conventional drill exercise. What matters, however, is the quality of practice. Many games provide repeated use of a language form. By making the language convey information and opinion, games provide the key feature of `drill` with the opportunity to sense the working of language as living communication. If it is accepted that games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, then they must be regarded as central to a teacher’s repertoire. Games can be found to give practice in all the skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), in all the stages of the teaching/learning sequence(presentation, repetition, and so on) and for many types of communication(encouraging, criticizing, explaining, etc.). It is generally accepted that young learners and adults are very willing to play games. Early teenagers tend to be more self-conscious. Games which can be played in pairs or groups may be particular and useful. It is clear to all observes of classroom practice that the teacher’s own belief in the usefulness and appropriateness of a game affects the learner’s response.
Of the four types of grouping,
pair and group work are very important if each learner is to have sufficient
oral practice in the use of language. In class work it is easy to demonstrate
that learner says only one or two sentences in a lesson or in a week. The
greatest `mistake`(if oral ability is an aim) is for the learner not to speak
at all. Pair work is easy and fast to organize. It provides opportunities for
intensive listening and speaking practice. Pair work is better than group work
if there are discipline problem.
Group work games require four or
six players. Membership of groups should be challenged between groups and they
should be of mixed ability. Groups can operate perfectly well without a group
leader. Any games or activities which involve language and which your learners
enjoy are language-learning materials. It is usually difficult to find a new
game for specific language practice just when you need it. When collecting
games it is important to note what language need only be understood by the

A quick warm-up for the beginning to get your students
into the right mood for learning,
An idea for a brief vocabulary review,
A light filler to provide relief after a period of intense
A game or amusing item to round off the lesson with a
Here are some examples of games and five-minute activities:
Grammar: Varied
Level: Text for weeding 1: lower
Text for weeding 2: advanced
Time: 12-25 minutes
Materials: One text for weeding
per pair of students
In class
a) Give the students a text with distracted
words you have prepared in or use text for weeding 1 or text for weeding 2.Ask
them to work in pairs and weed out the extra words.
b) Ask the students to compare
their work in groups of six.
c) Dictate the list of `weeds`.
Students are listening to their
knowledge of collocation, grammar and syntax by the rowing out the intruders.
DIY word order
Grammar: Word order
Level: Beginner or Advanced
Time: 15-25 minutes
Materials: Any text
Preparation: Select a text
In class
a) Ask the students to skim the
text and to echo their favourite words. Ask some of them to say their words to
the group and explain why they like them.
b) Ask each student to secretly
choose their favourite sentence from the text. They than cut or fold out and
tear a piece of paper into enough oblongs piece.
c) Each student mixes up the
pieces and places them on their chair and then the students’ mill around. Remind
them to remix the pieces before moving on.
Hinged sentences
Grammar: Syntax and punctuation
Level: Intermediate
Time: 20-30 minutes
Materials: One hinged sentences
sheet per two students.
a) Give out the hinged sentences
sheet and ask the students to scan through for any that make sense as they
b) Students work in pairs or
alone and rewrite each of the twelve sentences into two separate sentences that
share a hinged word or phrase.
Example: He loves her children
are great-He loves her./Her children are great.
In this case `her` is `hinged`
Your words – My grammar
Grammar: Present perfect continuous
Level: Lower – Intermediate
Time: 15-20 minutes
Materials: None
In class
a) Write a sentence in the target
structure on the board:
Who’s been eating my porridge?
Explain to the students that you
want them to write sentences that have exactly the same grammar as the above
sentence. The first word must be an interrogative pronoun, the second an
auxiliary verb, the third no change, the fourth a main verb + ing, etc.
e.g. What’s been killing her
b)ask the students to write their
sentences on the board. Ask the class to decide which sentences are right and
which wrong.
It is important to start with a
short, simple sentence.
Faces and character
Language: Describing people,
speculating about age, character, etc. e.g.(He might be...)
Skills: Listening and speaking
Control: Free
Level: Intermediate – advanced
Time: 5 minutes for a discussion
of each photograph you choose to show
Materials: Photographs or slides
For class you will need a minimum
of three or four photographs of people you know or know about.The pictures
should be large enough for class use. For pair work, the pupils must be equipped
in a similar way. They could be asked to bring pictures from home of their
family, friends or anyone else.
-Class work leading to pair work.
First discuss with the class how
reliable people’s appearance is as a guide to their age, interests, background,
character, etc. You might tell them that it was commonly believed in the last
century that one could recognize a criminal by the shape of his ears. Finally
confirm, qualify or reject these speculations by describing the person
Fortune – Telling
Language: Predicting future
events, using will or going to
Skills: All
Control: Free
Level: All
Time: 30 minutes
Materials: Paper and pencils/pens
Procedure: Group work
The learners need not know each
other well: Essentially, however, each learner writes a fortune for someone
else. One version goes as follows: in a group of four or five learners each
learner writes a fortune or prediction for each of the others. In other words,
each learner writes four or five fortunes. He/She must read them out and
comment, for example, on whether some of them are the same, or just what he/she
had hoped for, or highly unlikely.
Reading someone’s mind
Language: Making statements about
other people, using the phrase: I think you are... and adjectives
Skills: Listening and speaking
Control: Free
Level: Intermediate – advanced
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials: None
Class work
Arrange the class in two circles,
one standing inside the other. Each learner should face someone in the other
circle. Tell the learners that quite and responsive concentration on another
person can often produce a sensation of what they are like, what they are
feeling. After half a minute or so ask them to tell each other what it was they
felt and understood about the other person.

I think you are...
rather, a little, very, extremely...
happy, anxious, worried, angry,
There’s something wrong
Language: Describing pictures and
identifying objects
Skills: Reading
Control: Guided
Level: All
Time: According to the length of
the texts
Materials: A picture or pictures.
For class use, a slide or a large magazine picture
You (or the learner) must write
three texts about the picture or pictures, two of which contain some errors of
fact. Make copies of the texts.
Class or group work
Display the picture or pictures. Give
the learners the three duplicated description of the picture or pictures. The
learners first find the description that is completely correct. They than
underline all the mistakes in the others.
They provide all that is needed
for a fully correct description. The learners put these bits together to
produce a correct description.
Don’t say `yes` or `no`
Language: Asking questions and
giving answers, especially asking questions with question tags(e.g...., isn`t
it?....don`t you? you?) and giving complete phrases for answers. Using of
course, of course not, perhaps, clearly...
Skills: Listening and speaking
Control: Guided
Level: Intermediate – advanced
Time:5-10 minutes
Materials: None
-Class work leading to a group or
pair work.
This can be a team competition. Put
a number of questions to each team. Each question must be answered without
delay and without the use of either `yes` or `no`. The team which answers the
most questions in this way wins.
The teacher asks questions of
this type:
1) Your name is Peter, isn’t it?
2)You do live near the school,
don’t you?
3) It was raining at nine o’clock
this morning, wasn’t it?
The students should reply, e.g.:
1) Not at all, my name is Ann.
2) Not, quite, my home is a long
way from school.
3) I don’t think so.
When the learners have seen how
the game works, they can fire questions at each other to try to catch each
other out.
Amazing facts
You and your students may like
the idea of having a regular five – minute slot in your lesson called `amazing
facts`. You or a student have five minutes in which to inform the class about
something they may not be familiar with and which is likely to amaze them.
Instead of trying to fill a five
– minute slot, a single amazing statement can be made. It might well provoke some
discussion. Here is a brief example: `People often say that it is always
raining in Britain`.
Chain story
Narration: Use of the past tense
Begin telling a stor.This
can be the first few lines of a story from your course book, or improvised, or
you can invite a student to start. Then, going round the class, each student
has to add another brief `installment` to the story.
Before you start, ask each
student to choose a word. It can be an item of vocabulary recently learnt or a
verb in the past tense or freely chosen. Then each `installment` has to include
the word the student has chosen.
Compare yourself
Getting to know each other, use
of comparatives
In pairs, students find different
ways of comparing themselves with each other, and write down or simply say the
appropriate sentences.
1) You are taller than I am.
2) Tina has longer hair than I
3) Jane is taller than Luis.
To encourage more interaction,
tell the students they may not use aspects (such as height or hair colour) that
are immediately apparent, but only things they have to find out through
1) Peter has more brothers than I
2) Marie knows more languages
than Diane.
As a follow – up, share some of
the things participants have found out with the rest of the class.
Find someone who
Brief pair conversations
The students have one minute to
walk around the room and find at least one person in the class who was born in
the same month as they were: they get one point for every person they find in
the time. Then they have to find someone who was born on the same day of the
month. At the end, see how many points each student has.
Yes/no questions and answers
Choose an object, animal or
person, and tell the students which of these categories it belongs to. They
have to guess what it is. Encourage `narrowing-down` questions, and give
generous hints if the guessing slows down. The student who guesses the answer
chooses the next thing to be guessed.
Jumbled words
Vocabulary and spelling practice
Write on the board words the
students have recently learnt, or ones they have difficulty spelling with the
letters in jumbled order. For example, you might give an elementary class a set
of words like gdo, sumoe, owc, knymoe, tca,tnhpeeal, ibdr and tell them these
are al animals. In the time given they work out as many as they can of the
dog, mouse, cow, monkey, cat,
elephant, bird.
Draw a picture of Martian on the
board. Place your two forefingers on either side of your head and tell the
class that you are a Martian. Pretend that you are unfamiliar with everyday
objects, for example: cars, coffee, ships, music. Pretend also that you do not
have a very wide vocabulary in English. The students should try to help you to
understand what each object or idea is , but you must continually ask questions
as if you do not understand. For example:
Martian: What`s a car?
Student 1: People travel in cars.
Martian: What`s `travel in`?
Student 2:`Travel` means you go
from one place to another place.
Martian: But what does a car look
Student 3:It`s like a box on
Martian: What`s a box? etc.
I hope that some of you will find these games rewarding and that they can be helpful, too. I wish you everything the best in 2014. year.
Best regards,
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Second language learning in the classroom
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.❞
‒Sarah Caldwell-
‒Sarah Caldwell-
I am here after a while. I am so busy in my school, I am busy with my private business (tranlsating and interpreting). I am so happy one to see that many people still do visit my blog. I am so glad that I can share everything with you and I have to say that I will share many rewarding things. Today, I will post a few things about learning the second language in the classroom. In this case, it is English because it is the second language in my country. My students start learning English from the third grade of primary school and they continue with it till the end of their university studies. I really like my students who are always ready to work and learn. They always want something new, so I try to do my best in order to meet their needs.
Second language learning in the classroom
Most people would agree that
learning a second language in a natural acquisition context or `on the street`
is not the same as learning in the classroom. Many believe that learning `on
the street` is more effective. Natural acquisition contexts should be understood
as those in which the learner is exposed to the language at work or in social
interaction. The traditional instruction environment is one where the language
is being taught to a group of second or foreign language itself. The teacher’s
goal is to see to it that students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules
of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass
an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative
interaction. Supporters of communicative language teaching have argued that
language is not learned by the gradual accumulation of one item after another.
Five proposals for classroom teaching
Theories have been proposed for
the best way to learn a second language in the classroom. But the only way to
answer the question: ‘Which theoretical proposal holds the greatest promos for
improving language learning in classroom settings?’ is through the research
which specifically investigates relationship between teaching and learning. Both
formal and informal researches are needed. Formal research involves careful
control of the factors which may affect learning. It often uses large numbers
of teachers and learners.

These proposals are:
1) Get it right from the
2) Say what you mean and mean
what you say
3) Just listen
4) Teach what is teachable
5) Get it right in the end
Get it right in
the beginning

S1: And uh, in the afternoon, uh,
I came home and, uh, uh, I uh, washing my dog.
T: I wash.
S1: My dog.
T: Every day you wash your dog.
S2: He doesn’t have dog.
S1: No, but we can say it.
Say what you mean
and mean what you say
This proposal emphasizes the
necessity for learners to have access to meaningful and comprehensible input
through conversational interactions with teachers and other students. When
students are given the opportunity to engage in conversations, they are
compelled to negotiate meaning, that is, to express and clarify their
intentions, thoughts, opinions and so on. The negotiation leads learners to
acquire the language forms-the words and grammatical structures-which carry the
meaning. The claim is that as learners work toward a mutual understanding in
the negotiation process, language acquisition is facilitated.
S: Me and Jo see, we don’t have
the same as hers.
T: That’s fine. Yeah, because
there’ll be different answers.
S: Why...uh, we do that with a
T: Simply so you can control.
Just listen
This proposal is based on the assumption that it is not
necessary to drill and memorize language forms in order to learn them. Here, the
emphasize is on providing comprehensible input through listening and/or reading

Teach what is
The proposal referred to as
`Teach what is teachable` is one which has received increasing attention in
second language acquisition. Researchers supporting this view also claim that
certain other aspects of language-vocabulary, some grammatical features- can be
taught at any time. A learner’s success in learning these varational features
will depend on factors such as motivation, intelligence and quality of
Get it right in
the end
`Get it right in the end` is
similar to the `teach what is teachable` proposal. Its proponents recognize a
role for instruction, but also assume that not everything has to be taught. This
proposal emphasizes the idea that some aspects of language must be taught. ‘Get
it right in the end’ also differs from ‘Just listen’ in that it is assumed that
learners will need some guidance in learning some specific features of the
target language. It is assumed that what learners learn when they are focusing
on language itself can lead to changes in their inter-language systems. The
supporters of this proposal will prevent learners from making errors. It is
sometimes necessary to draw learners` attention to their errors and to focus on
certain linguistic points.
S1: Make her shoes brown.
T: Wow, her shoes. Are those mom’s
shoes or dad’s shoes?
S1: Mom’s.
T: Mom’s. How do you know it is
S1: Because it’s her shoes.
I hope that some of you will find this rewarding for your work. If you have some questions and proposals, please feel free to contact me at:
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best regards,
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